
Koh Tsu Koon given a week to explain RM30M losses in Pulau Jerjak scandal


Afams Chan said...

Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan Selamat Menyambut Tahun Baru Cina.

May this year bring more happiness and prosperity to you, to the people and to the country as well

Gong Xi Fa Cai

Frank said...

MR Lim, I am a 47 year old Malaysian that have reside in Singapore for over 23 years. Recently I visited Penang during CNY and I am impressed by it and the comments by Penangnites in regards to your leadership . In 2 years you have done what that was not done in last 15 years despite federal political obstacles. This have given me confident to invest more than 2 million RM in Penang property.
The success of Penang could be the turning point of Malaysian politics. Penang could be the model state for all to follow and an example on how Meritocracy and good governance could do.
I have plan to spend more time and invest more in Penang and hope it and would one day be the next Singapore and one that all states could follow.
To be sincere and persevere is the only way to achieve long term sustainable result. You have demonstrated that .
Terima Kasih and I am ready to offer any assistance if there is a need to and can be contacted at dafrankcode@yahoo.com.sg